Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oh, by the way I'm Hannah....

There’s not a shortage of blogs written by stay at home homeschooling moms. I think we can all agree on that! So why another one? Because I want to write. My story is different from yours as is my family, how we homeschool, what our beliefs and convictions are, and the ministry that God has called us to. There may be similar things that we do and I hope there are! My prayer is that through my writings and teachings I will be able to inspire you to become the wife, mom, trainer, disciple, etc that you are meant to be; that you will know who you are in Christ and be able to boldly and confidently walk in such a way that not only can you enter into the Throne room of God, but that you will walk with the mindset of John who knew that he was the one whom Jesus loved.

My friend, you are the one whom Jesus loves too.

Too many of us have lived our lives knowing the Sunday school answer that, “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible told me so.”

But how many of us live our day to day in the identity that I am Hannah, the one whom Jesus loves? (Oh, by the way, I am Hannah, the one whom Jesus loves.  It’s a joy to meet you! Obviously you will substitute your name in that last line.)

What will you find here? Probably a healthy dose of devotions and my personal insights into what I am studying in scripture. My passion for all things homeschooling and creating a life giving home are sure to be staples around here. As I am currently taking herbalism courses  there will be some posts about herbs sprinkled in from time to time as well.

At some point I'll write a get to know me post, but for now this will do. I am a Midwest transplant to the South where I now eat boiled peanuts and grits. I have mastered making homemade biscuits and I say things like "y'all" and "might could". Ohio will always be home to me but the south is where I met my loving husband, Brantley and where we are raising our 3 amazing kids. I guess I could say this is home now too.

So, welcome to my space. It’s pretty simple, not quite minimalist (I like books way too much!). I prefer more of the cozy, twinkling lights, while sipping steaming cups of hot drinks with a good book in my hand in front of the fire kind of feel.

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